Webinar Series on Conscious Dying, Death and Afterlife

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

This Wednesday the Anthroposophical Society is hosting a Sacred Gateway webinar, first of three webinars which be a prelude to the Sacred Gateway Death & Dying conference this April 6, 7, 8 in Sacramento, CA.

During this Wednesday’s webinar, Rev. Julia Polter, a Christian Community Priest will explore the anthroposophical view of death and dying.  I was blessed to have experienced many of the sacred sites of Greece with Rev. Julia back in 2013.  Here is Rev. Julia at the Delphi Stadium.  Rev. Julia has a rich background both as a Christian Community Priest and has completed the requirements for Hospice/Chaplain program at a hospital in Boston. I highly recommend her work.


February 7, 2018 at 6:30 CST –  Karen van Vuuren from Natural Transitions will share about the natural funeral movement and preparing yourself to help those who are crossing.


February 28, 2018 at 6:30pm CST – Lynn Stull will be sharing about the Soul’s Journey and it’s relationship to connecting with those who have crossed the threshold.


Can’t join live? No problem. You’ll receive the recording and webinar materials via email within 24 hours of each live webinar. For the three webinars the suggested donation is $40.  You can register here:  https://secure.anthroposophy.org/np/clients/anthroposophy/survey.jsp?surveyId=11&;

Where: Online with Zoom Webinars

Why: Learn more about this experience we are all connected to and prepare for the Sacred Gateways Conference on death and dying this April.  

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Follow this link to purchase an autograph copy of Wonders at the Veil: http://www.lynnstull.com/wonders-at-veil-book/

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