Soul’s Journey Workshop – November 11, 2017

Circle Of Angels Dante's Paradise Illustration Painting by Gustave Dore


The Soul’s Journey after Death

Saturday, November 11, 2017
9am – 5pm

Hosted by the Rafael Foundation for
New Impulses in Music

Through the continuing cycle of life and death the human being becomes a member of the Tenth Spiritual Hierarchy of Angels — a Spirit of Freedom and Love.


During this experiential workshop we will explore the journey of the soul after death and how this journey shapes our spiritual destiny to become a Spirit of Freedom and Love.

Workshop Content includes:
Honoring our Loved Ones Who Have Died
What happens after death —including characteristics of the initial days after death, the planetary journey, and the experience of the pure spirit world
Understanding the essential qualities of each of the planets on the journey – including their gifts, purification processes, and contribution to the spiritual development of the human being 
 What prompts one to reincarnate?
The purification phases after we die are specifically related to the development of the Human Being and our process of becoming a Spirit of Freedom and Love.  We will look at an overview of this amazing spiritual process.

EurythmyActivities will support learning of the Content; including:
The Halleluia sequence
Experiencing Planetary Gestures
Enactment of the Soul’s Journey after death
Experience the forces of sympathy and antipathy of the purification phases
Experience specific eurythmy exercises to support our experience of the purification phases after we die

Workshop Takeaways:
*overall image of the journey after death (handout)
*three ways one can support loved ones who have died (handout)
*eurythmy halleluia (handout)

Workshop Location: Pathways of Light Wellness Center
W314 N720 State Hwy 83
Delafield, WI 53018

Pre-registration is appreciated and recommended.  Workshop Price: sliding scale $75-$85

Workshop $85


Workshop $75


Veggie, Gluten Free Lunch available $10-$15.


Questions: Lynn Stull at 951.315.7511 or Gail Sauter at

Workshop Leader is Lynn Stull, eurythmist and author of Wonders at the Veil, Creating a Living Relationship with Your Loved Ones Who Have Died. Lynn received her eurythmy diploma from Eurythmy Spring Valley (New York) and has been working with Rudolf Steiner’s lectures about the afterlife and indications of working with the dead for 20+ years. You can find out more about her work at

The Rafael Foundation for New Impulses in Music  is dedicated to fostering and supporting new impulses in the use of music and  ‘curative’ arts to promote and encourage human understanding and  spiritual development. In 2007  the initial “Souls Journey” was created and dramatized in the fall of the year to honor, remember and nourish those who wish to learn more about what lies beyond the threshold of ordinary reality. Variations on this theme have been offered annually since that time. This year’s offering is designed for individuals who wish to take their study to a deeper level.

*Content is research developed out of Rudolf Steiner’s afterlife lectures and books. Rudolf Steiner describes part of our time after death and before rebirth as the soul’s journey through the planetary spheres: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

*Eurythmy (developed by Rudolf Steiner) is gentle, powerful movement that the Dead can see and is based on the spiritual virtues of Truth, Beauty, Goodness.