Dear Friends, In this update you will find a mixture of items including a verse, a thank you, and a book title that I am currently reading. Also, I will offer you 3 tips that I learned which will make communicating with your loved ones more effective and I have a few new event opportunities […]
Archive | Spiritual Practices
Have you written your instructions for when you die?
Recently I was blessed to witness someone crossing the sacred threshold of death. To be present at this person’s death, assist in preparing their body for a 3-day home vigil, experience moments of their home vigil, their service and celebratory memorial prompted me to think about my own inevitable death. The time which immediately proceeds death […]
Looking Back After Death – Leave a Brilliant Light Behind
Hello Friend, Last night Christian Community Priest Rev. Julia mentioned in her awesome-ness webinar* talk that after we cross the threshold of death we will look back on earth. If we take a moment to think about it this it is quite a concept to wrap our minds around. I remember reading in one of […]
Webinar Series on Conscious Dying, Death and Afterlife
Wednesday, January 10, 2018 6:30p-7:30pm This Wednesday the Anthroposophical Society is hosting a Sacred Gateway webinar, first of three webinars which be a prelude to the Sacred Gateway Death & Dying conference this April 6, 7, 8 in Sacramento, CA. During this Wednesday’s webinar, Rev. Julia Polter, a Christian Community Priest will explore the anthroposophical view […]
Blessings and Thank you
Dear Friends, With this Winter Solstice I invite you to take a few moments of silence for yourself and recognize how the world has changed because of your presence in it. I know I am grateful for your presence in my world. Thank you. xo Wishing you many blessings as we enter this Holy […]
Coco, the movie
Last night I went and saw the new movie Coco. I loved Coco! Have you seen it yet? Without giving away the storyline I can share with you that woven throughout the movie you’ll see: -indications of what happens after we die -how our actions here on earth effect our loved ones who have died -and […]
Celebrating Our Loved Ones
All Soul’s Day Hello Friends! Today is All Soul’s Day. It is a day to honor, pray for, and be in service to those who have died. Appreciation is a wonderful way to honor and strengthen the connection with our loved ones who have died. Here’s a simple process that takes less than five minutes. […]
Fall Events 2017
Events Offerings for Fall 2017 and into 2018 Hello Friends! As we each continue to deepen our work with loved ones who have died I am offering several opportunities — online and in person– to support this work. I am also holding the intention to build a sense of community through which we can more […]
Wonders at the Veil is now available through
Dear Friends, I am pleased to announce that Wonders at the Veil is now available through SteinerBooks: Thank you for your support of this work … and me. I am truly grateful. Kindest regards, Lynn
Know Thyself – Thinking
Know Thyself through Thinking (Image: A mosaic from excavations in the convent of San Gregorio in Rome, featuring the Greek motto. Source: Wikipedia) The command Know Thyself, thought to have originated in the early civilization of Egypt, has been recommended by all great philosophers, teachers, and leaders. One of the ways that we can know ourselves […]