Archive | Spiritual Practices

A Verse, 3 Tips for Effective Communication with Loved Ones Who Have Died, and Events

Dear Friends, In this update you will find a mixture of items including a verse, a thank you, and a book title that I am currently reading.  Also, I will offer you 3 tips that I learned which will make communicating with your loved ones more effective and I have a few new event opportunities […]

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Have you written your instructions for when you die?

Recently I was blessed to witness someone crossing the sacred threshold of death. To be present at this person’s death, assist in preparing their body for a 3-day home vigil, experience moments of their home vigil, their service and celebratory memorial prompted me to think about my own inevitable death. The time which immediately proceeds death […]

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Webinar Series on Conscious Dying, Death and Afterlife

Wednesday, January 10, 2018 6:30p-7:30pm This Wednesday the Anthroposophical Society is hosting a Sacred Gateway webinar, first of three webinars which be a prelude to the Sacred Gateway Death & Dying conference this April 6, 7, 8 in Sacramento, CA. During this Wednesday’s webinar, Rev. Julia Polter, a Christian Community Priest will explore the anthroposophical view […]

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Know Thyself – Thinking

Know Thyself through Thinking (Image: A mosaic from excavations in the convent of San Gregorio in Rome, featuring the Greek motto.  Source:  Wikipedia) The command Know Thyself,  thought to have originated in the early civilization of Egypt, has been recommended by all great philosophers, teachers, and leaders. One of the ways that we can know ourselves […]

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