Building Community through Art Video Series

Building Community Through Art ~ Six Part Video Series

The content of this video series was developed from a talk that I was asked to give at the Occupy Peace Conference, hosted by Trends Research Institute. Now more than ever it is up to all of us to create the type of communities that we would like to live in and work in. In this six part video series I explore how art, and the experience of creating art, build community.

Part One: The Four Specific Distinctions of Art that Build Communities that we actually want to live in, work in.

How do communities consciously cultivate an environment that is economically sound and where each member of its community is accepted, respected and inspired to contribute their unique capacities and individual excellence?

Part Two: Truth Beauty and Goodness Defined

The Virtues of Truth, Beauty and Goodness reflected in art and through those who come together to create art will have a direct influence on the community, like a pebble thrown into a lake. How do we discern whether art, or the experience of creating art is based on the foundation of Truth, Beauty and Goodness?

Part Three: Art Influences the 3-Step Decision Making Process

In this third video we will explore how art and the creative process effects the 3-Step Decision Making Process by looking at Dr. Bernard Lievegoed research presented in his book: Towards the 21st Century: Doing the Good. Dr. Lievegoed (1905-1992)

Part Four: Art Changes How We Have Conversation

Marjorie Spock, who is known for being an inspiration for Rachel Carson’s book: Silent Spring, was a well known environmentalist, biodynamic gardener on Long Island, an eurythmist and author. Her book: Group Moral Artistry – Reflections on Community Building is a gem. In this book Ms. Spock discusses how the arts, involvement in the arts, especially choral artistry- group artistry, effects the quality of conversations within groups and communities. In Part Four of this video series we will reflect on Ms. Spock’s wisdom.

Part Five: Art Strengthens Imagination and Innovative Solutions

Innovators and inventors know imagination is the key to creating something new or in problem solving. In this video, Part 5, I will share with you how art strengthens our imaginations, is a powerful antidote to over-exposure to flat screen technology, and how imaginations that are created within an artistic group dynamic of have a unique power to build thriving, innovative communities.

Part Six: Summary and how the Art of Eurythmy is used with Teams

Communities Which Have Been Built Through Art

  • Value Truth, Beauty, and Goodness
  • Make Ethical DecisionsHave
  • Fruitful Communications
  • Transform Challenges into Opportunities (via Imaginations which Fuel Innovations)

In this last video we will summarize how art, creating art, builds peaceful and prosperous communities. I will also give you specific examples of how eurythmy is effectively being used with teams and organizations.

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