Colors of the Eurythmy Gesture

Dear Friends, Eurythmy is often depicted in photos with a eurythmist wearing beautiful flowing gowns and silks. When I was in eurythmy school we had to wait until our third year of our training before we were allowed to wear veils. I always felt that wearing the veil made my eurythmy gestures more etheric, more […]

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Guest Blog – Memory of an Earlier Time, by Linda Bergh

Dear Friend, Linda Bergh, (, Biography Facilitator and Death/Dying Guide, recently posted the following on her Facebook page. It was so beautiful that I asked her if I could share it with you and was grateful when she said “yes.” Linda’s daughter, Kirsten, died in 1996. “Golden morning light at White Feather Ranch awakens a […]

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Book Release and Upcoming Events

Greetings! Last March I committed to writing a book about a spiritual practice which focuses on being in  service to loved ones who have died. It has taken me over a year to write, edit, and create the actual book. It is titled: Wonders At The Veil. My intention as I wrote this book was […]

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