Dear Friends,
In this update you will find a mixture of items including a verse, a thank you, and a book title that I am currently reading. Also, I will offer you 3 tips that I learned which will make communicating with your loved ones more effective and I have a few new event opportunities to share with you.
Recently a friend ask me for a verse which would aid her organization in securing help from loved ones who have died. Frankly I had to stop and think about that one. Usually when I need help my requests are kinda simple like: “HELP!”
Hear our soul’s request
Sent to Thee in deepest trust.
We need here for work on earth
Strength and power from spirit lands
For which we thank dead friends.
– Rudolf Steiner
February 28th I was the guest for the Anthroposophical Sacred Gateways Webinar. A big thank you for all who attended the webinar AND for your incredible positive and kind feedback. Thank you so much!
In preparation for a couple of talks and workshops that I will be leading soon, I am re-reading many lectures and books that I have read before. It seems I am always learning something new from books that I have read at least a gazillion times before.
If you can’t find the book, you can scoop up these lectures online for free at:

*It is easier for our loved ones to communicate if we:
– cultivate a sense of gratitude for everything in our life, large and small.
– develop a feeling of communion with the dead. Communion in the sense that we understand that they are part of us, at the deepest level.
– strengthen our confidence in life. What that looks like is that we meet every day with a sense of freshness and hold the sense of wonder in our hearts. If you need help in this area, study young children.
*Valuable Insight: The dead, our loved ones, “float” their thoughts (spiritual inspirations) on our mood of confidence. I think that is the most beautiful, and challenging, image. Don’t you?
Upcoming Events, Please join me if you can!
April 6-8, 2018 – Sacred Gateway Conference, Sacramento.
Up for a road trip to sunny California? I will be performing in the Soul’s Journey Presentation Friday and Sunday, leading the morning eurythmy sessions, and leading a workshop on Sunday. The schedule for this conference is packed with great speakers and learning opportunities.
Follow this link for Conference Details & Registration:
Tuesdays in April, 2018 – Eurythmy at the University of Wisconsin
Note: I am working in Minnesota the week of April 17 so this class will be re-scheduled.
Follow this link to register:
April 14, 2018 – Dare to be Aware Fair. Milwaukee area. I will have a booth with both my Easing Grief product and Wonders at the Veil book. Look for me at 1pm in the Education Room, I will be giving a talk: 5 Steps for Co-Creating with Loved Ones Across the Threshold.
Follow this link for details:
June 15 – 17, 2018 – Guest Eurythmist, Gail Langstroth, International Performer and Award-Winning Poet, will be visiting the Greater Milwaukee Area for a Informational talk, Experiential Workshop and Social Gathering. I will be putting a registration link on my events page soon:
Please feel free to share this email with a friend, or reach out to me with your questions, feedback, or to share experiences you are having with your loved ones. I would love to hear from you!
Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your support of this work.
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