A Verse, 3 Tips for Effective Communication with Loved Ones Who Have Died, and Events

Dear Friends,

In this update you will find a mixture of items including a verse, a thank you, and a book title that I am currently reading.  Also, I will offer you 3 tips that I learned which will make communicating with your loved ones more effective and I have a few new event opportunities to share with you.

The Verse
Recently a friend ask me for a verse which would aid her organization in securing help from loved ones who have died. Frankly I had to stop and think about that one.  Usually when I need help my requests are kinda simple like:  “HELP!”
However, I didn’t think “HELP!” was exactly the response my friend was looking for so I found this verse for her and thought you might enjoy it too.
A Prayer for the Dead
Hear our soul’s request
Sent to Thee in deepest trust.
We need here for work on earth
Strength and power from spirit lands
For which we thank dead friends.
– Rudolf Steiner
A Thank You
February 28th I was the guest for the Anthroposophical Sacred Gateways Webinar.  A big thank you for all who attended the webinar AND for your incredible positive and kind feedback.  Thank you so much!
What I am reading &  3 Tips to improve your communication.
In preparation for a couple of talks and workshops that I will be leading soon, I am re-reading many lectures and books that I have read before.  It seems I am always learning something new from books that I have read at least a gazillion times before.
These tips are from a lecture in the collection titled:  Earthly Death and Cosmic, by Rudolf Steiner.
If you can’t find the book, you can scoop up these lectures online for free at: http://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA181/English/APC1927/EarDea_index.html
                                          3 Tips for Improving Communication with Your Loved Ones
*It is easier for our loved ones to communicate if we:
– cultivate a sense of gratitude for everything in our life, large and small.
– develop a feeling of communion with the dead.  Communion in the sense that we understand that they are part of us, at the deepest level.
– strengthen our confidence in life.  What that looks like is that we meet every day with a sense of freshness and hold the sense of wonder in our hearts. If you need help in this area, study young children.


*Valuable Insight:  The dead, our loved ones, “float” their thoughts (spiritual inspirations) on our mood of confidence.  I think that is the most beautiful, and challenging, image.  Don’t you?


Upcoming Events, Please join me if you can!
April 6-8, 2018 –  Sacred Gateway Conference, Sacramento.
Up for a road trip to sunny California? I will be performing in the Soul’s Journey Presentation Friday and Sunday, leading the morning eurythmy sessions, and leading a workshop on Sunday.  The schedule for this conference is packed with great speakers and learning opportunities.
Follow this link for Conference Details & Registration:  https://anthroposophy.z2systems.com/np/clients/anthroposophy/event.jsp?event=86

Tuesdays in April, 2018 – Eurythmy at the University of Wisconsin
Note:  I am working in Minnesota the week of April 17 so this class will be re-scheduled.
Follow this link to register:  https://ce.uwc.edu/waukesha/catalog/introduction-to-eurythmy-words-make-worlds/5616

April 14, 2018 – Dare to be Aware Fair.  Milwaukee area. I will have a booth with both my Easing Grief product and Wonders at the Veil book.  Look for me at 1pm in the Education Room, I will be giving a talk:  5 Steps for Co-Creating with Loved Ones Across the Threshold.
Follow this link for details:  https://daretobeawarefair.com

June 15 – 17, 2018  – Guest Eurythmist, Gail Langstroth, International Performer and Award-Winning Poet, will be visiting the Greater Milwaukee Area for a Informational talk, Experiential Workshop and Social Gathering.  I will be putting a registration link on my events page soon:  http://www.lynnstull.com/sessions-workshops/

Please feel free to share this email with a friend, or reach out to me with your questions, feedback, or to share experiences you are having with your loved ones.  I would love to hear from you!

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your support of this work.


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